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Finishing the race to your dream

"Life is not about starting, it's about finishing."  -Dr. Myles Munroe- Starting is easy. Starting is fun. Starting is new and exciting, but starting is only the beginning. The treasures of life are not found at the beginning, it's found in the completion of the journey. In the bible, it says, " The race is not for to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but to those who endure it to the end. " ‎ (Ecclesiastes 9:11) What this scripture is aiming to teach us collectively is that you don't have to be the best, the tallest, the fastest, the smartest, the best-looking, or the wealthiest person to complete the race. All that is required is for you is to stay in the race until the end. This also means that all of your excuses for why you can't finish the race are canceled. So, what is the race? For the sake of this blog, the race is the journey/pathway to your dream or desired future. Eg. You may want to be ...

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